Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Work, Garrett's B-day, room and Avon Walk....

Well I went back to work on Monday. Ho hum. It stinks but the 2nd time around it's not as hard. Trying to find time to get everything done that I need to is what's hard. Having Mason at my Mom's for the next two weeks and Max at daycare it's tough to get them both (they are at opposite sides of town) home at a reasonable hour, get dinner, have baths, do the laundry, get a walk in, clean up dinner, make bottles for the get my gist!

Who wants to hear me moan and groan...on to better things!!!! ;-)

This past weekend we went to Garrett's 7th birthday party which Max had a lot of fun at:



This weekend is the BIG WALK in Boston!! Both Lori and I met our $1,800 goal on Monday! YEAH! Thanks SO MUCH to all those that donated to us!! So we're both 100% walking - along with our cousin Donna who decided a short time ago to join us which we're excited about! The weather isn't looking too promising so everyone do a rain dance for us!! The way we look at it - walking 26.2 miles day one and 13.1 day two in the rain is NOTHING compared to battling cancer, going through chemo or losing a loved one so we need to remember the reasons why were doing this - RAIN OR SHINE! I'm actually REALLY excited for the whole experience!

Max and Mason's room (well Mason still isn't in it, not until he sleeps through the night...which may be a while. He's not the sleeper Max was, that's for sure!) is almost done. I'm still waiting on a few things to come in the mail but here's a before and after:


Here are a few pictures of the boys taken over the last week or so!

1 comment:

Two Peas in a Pod said...

Great pictures Lindsay. Glad to hear you are doing well, good luck in the walk !!