All is well – we are very busy, as you can imagine with a 4 year old and 10 1/2 month old! Mason is developing quite the little personality – he’s quite the little devil. So I’ll update you all on little Mason first…oh where to begin…
He had his 9 month appointment a while back and he weighed in at 21lbs. 12 oz (75th percentile) The first time EVER either of the boys have been under the 90th percentile for height or weight! His height however, 31 ¼ inches which put him in the 97%ile. He’s a lean, mean crawling machine! Yes, crawling ALL over the place and “furniture walking” as we call it. It won’t be too much longer before he’s off and running! Oh dear – lord have mercy! He’s now got 5 teeth…well maybe 4 ½…he’s got one on the top that’s split in half – it’s weird! I think it’s one tooth that split and Ray thinks’ it may be two little ones. Either way – it’s funky! All in all he’s quite the little love bug. And his first words….MAMA – yeah that’s right !! Woohoo!
Max is growing up more and more by the day – he’s turning into quite a little boy and sweet as ever. My “sensitive one” as I call him. Couldn't’t hurt a fly. And he’s SO SMART. Counting to 30 easily on his own (sometime 60 with a little help) He’s spelling things now – he can spell Mom, Dad, Max, Mason, Maddox, no, TV (he thinks that’s hilarious) and various others. He’s an absolutely sponge! He can write all those above as well. He’s very into working on the computer and playing video games (RAY…argh!) which Daddy got him hooked on!
We’ve been busy, busy, busy! However, it’s looking like things are finally slowing down! YAY! (Knock on wood, right?) Below are a slew of pictures over the past few months!
I will do my best to be a bit better updating for those of you that I know take the occasional peek!
Oh yeah – doing my 2009 Avon walk again and need donations, so if you in the giving mood – feel free to help me raise my $1,800! Boy, this year is going to be tough raising that amount in this lousy economy! But remember...every little bit helps
Cutting down our Christmas tree...
Daycare's Christmas Party...
VACATION WEEK... we had to get creative at times - it was a loooong week! (yes, that's a tent set up inside!)
Ray, James & the boys playing guitar hero!
Mason hammin' it up for the camera!
Stone & Max playing "dress up" in Fallon's Tutu's! Ray loved this! HEHEHE!
Ray and James at the Margaritaville Murder Mystery Party - "Sandy Beachbum" (aka - my husband) had a few too many and didn't make it to the New Year! :-P
A LOOONG ride home. Thank goodness for Wally the Green giant - I got to sit in the way back seat and entertain Mason.
And I'll end with a picture of the kiddos that I really like...