Saturday, September 13, 2008

6 months

Mason had his 6 month appointment yesterday.

19lbs. 9oz. (90th percentile)
28 1/2 long (97th percentile)

All in all he's a healthy little boy! They did find a slight heart murmur, which of course had me in a state of panic but the doctor said that it's nothing to be concerned about, it's just something that they are going to have to monitor. Still, it gives me a knot in my stomach thinking about it.

Tomorrow Ray & I are running a 5K in Falmouth. We've both been running a fair amount so hopefully it will go well!

I started Weight watchers 2 weeks ago and I've lost 4.5lbs. I'm hoping the pounds keep coming off! Here are my goals:

  • Nov 15 (my friend Julie's wedding) - to have lost 10-15lbs.
  • Dec 31 - to have lost 20lbs.
  • Feb 19 (my birthday) - to have lost 30lbs which will put me back at my college weight and where I would be VERY happy!
  • Summer '09 - to be in a bikini- HA, HA, HA - I'm hilarious...I think the days of bikini's are LOOOOONG gone!

Here are a few photos of the boys!

Cool dudes!

Sound asleep (in the most awkward position!)

My favorite picture of the two of them!!! Priceless!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Is it really September???

I was sort of putting this to the back burner because I didn't think people were really looking at this but I've been getting the "when are you going to update your blog!?!" a lot lately so here we go...

It's been a whirlwind last few months but I think we've finally slowed down...thank goodness!! In a REAL brief nutshell this is what we have been up to:
  • Sebago Lake/Bear Island with the Lozano clan last week which was FABULOUS! (Thanks to James and Crystal for being great hosts as always!)

  • Labor Day weekend (Sunday) at my parents camp - they have an annual celebration for all the kids for all the residents in the area

  • Ray & I have been hitting the pavement running again as we have three 5K's coming up in the next few weeks. ** Ray also is going a dualathlon at the end of the month! (biking & running)

  • Max started Preschool 3 days a week (M-W-F) and loves every second of it!!

  • Mason is already 1/2 year!! Holy cow, time flies!! He's sitting up all by himself, rolling all over the place...the days of putting him in one spot, leaving the room and coming back and he's still there is LONG gone!
I'll try to update a bit more often now that things have slowed down a bit!