Saturday, April 19, 2008

So we did some number crunching and the medical bills have been trickling and unfortunately I’m not able to take the 12 weeks of maternity leave in which I had hoped. My intention was to go back to work May 27th but I’ll be going back May 12th. To be quite frank, it sucks but what can I do about it. Mason won’t be going to daycare with Max until 5/27 however so at least we'll have a full paycheck when the double daycare hits us. UGH - not looking forward to that! Oh well, no need to dwell on it…on to better things!!

Mason has perfected the smile over the past week! SO cute!

Today we took advantage of the great weather and hiked Bradbury Mountain (for those that aren’t familiar with it – it’s a very gradual incline and only about a 1 ½ - 2 mile walk). Max was a trooper and loved it!

A few months ago while brushing Max’s teeth I noticed a dark brown spot on one of his back teeth and initially thought it was food so brushed hard and sort of forgot about it. Well a few weeks back I noticed it again but this time got out the flashlight and got a better peek. My god, the kid had a crater in his tooth. So I called the dentist and moved his May appointment to this past Friday. Long story short, indeed he’s got a pretty significant cavity, which baffles me because we have been anal about brushing his teeth since he got them, and we got referred to a pediatric dentist that we will have to have him see to do a further analysis on it and determine how they will treat it. Lovely. Oh and that’s not it. Part of his “First FUN visit” was to count his teeth. The hygienist kept saying “I bet I you have 20 teeth” (kids under 6-8 should have 20) so she started counting…19, 20, 21…22?? Yes, Max has two EXTRA upper teeth. Explains why his teeth are so crowded up there. Not a big deal but something very rare!

So last week I went to the dentist. A bit of background before I tell you about my lovely visit…

1.) I’ve never had a cavity. Yeah, that’s right!!
2.) For years upon years I have had X-Rays taken and every time they always say “My gosh, you don’t have wisdom teeth” FYI – my last X-ray was a year ago and again no sign of wisdom teeth.

Well I found I have TWO cavities (booo!) and during my pregnancy two freaking wisdom teeth decided to pop through! Needless to say I have to get them removed the week before my maternity leave ends and will get the cavities filled in August. UGH!

On Tuesday we’re off to Rhode Island for 3 days! Ray’s working and I’m taking the kids and going on a few excursions! Wednesday I’m going to take them to the Roger Williams Zoo and then hopefully Wednesday night to visit with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. Still working that out. Then Thursday Max is going to the Hockomock YMCA (North Attleboro, MA) where Aunt Crystal works for a 3 hour gymnastics/sport camp with Stone!! He’s VERY excited about this! The following week we’ll be going to Martha’s Vineyard (Edgartown) with Ray for work again!! A good way to end my maternity leave, I suppose! So we’ll have lots of photos and updates in the coming weeks!

So that’s it for now! Here are a few add’l photos of the boys taken this week!


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What's up with the Marstons said...

He is so cute and you look great! Stinks to have to go back to work early but you're right.....what else is there to do?!? Got to pay them bills! We must get together soon!