Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Terrible (but certainly entertaining) THREES

Three has been the most challenging year with Max behaviorally, but at the same time the most entertaining! Max is quite a character. He oftentimes comes off being shy but don't let it fool you - he's not!! Last night after his bath I asked him to run upstairs and get his nighttime diaper. The little bugger came down with one of Masons! So I thought - okay well then I'll put Mason's on him...
Needless to say we were in stitches for quite some time! Max hammed it up and danced all around- it was quite comical!! Good way to end a day! :-)


Two Peas in a Pod said...

This story and the picture made my day! He is so funny! Did he put the diaper on himself?

Jules said...

I almost feel a little weird looking at that photo and I can't quite tell you why!