Friday, February 29, 2008

Light at the end of the tunnel...

So here's the scoop...

Sorry, my 10:50am appointment was rescheduled for 2:15. Long story short - I'm scheduled to be induced on Monday at 9:30am (YIPPEE!!) that is if I don't go on my own over the weekend. I'm 3cm dilated and 80% efface so I very well may go on my own.

Also, had another ultrasound (unexpectedly) today and he's estimated to be 9lbs. 11oz. OH GOD!!

We'll keep you posted! Ray will be making calls and sending out an email shortly after he arrives.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The room is done!

Well after 3 1/2 months we did it before the baby made his grand entrance! However, we've decided that it's not going to be a nursery after all! The crib is set up in our room and the "new room" has been made into a playroom! Max is in HEAVEN and all his toys that were scattered throughout the house are all in either his bedroom or in the new room. It's fantastic! We figure that once the baby is sleeping through the night we'll put the two boys in the same room. Neither of us can imagine having either of them on a different floor than us and this seems as though it may's hoping! So here, AT LAST, are some photos of the space. Pardon the BIG ugly (and VERY dusty) treadmill but once I'm healed from this tank of a kid it's off to getting into shape for my May Cancer awareness walk!



Tomorrow I have a Doctor's appointment at 10:50am and I'm hoping to god they tell me that if I don't go over the weekend they will induce me early next week. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Max was feeling better yesterday so we took him to the Sebago Lake Winterfest. We went with my sister and her kids. All four kids had a blast sledding, racing golf carts on the ice, checking out the ice castle and running around just getting fresh air!! Here are a few photos of the morning...
Obviously no baby news over the weekend - ho hum...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Still waiting

No news yet to report but hopefully within a week or so we should have the little man in our arms. I'm feeling okay - HUGE but okay. I'll really be curious to see how big this kid is going to be. I felt big with Max but I feel gigantic with this one. Only time will tell, I suppose. I went to the Doctor's yesterday and was hoping that they would tell me that they were going to schedule an induction but no such luck. I'm still measuring 41+ weeks but my blood pressure has remained very stable throughout the pregnancy and was very good yesterday, I haven't gained any weight in the past 3 weeks (how I don't know because I have daily chocolate craving!), and his stats are all looking good as well. So needless to say I walked out of my appointment yesterday having them tell me"Let's give it another week" and then we'll weigh our options. But at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Speaking of that, because I'm antsy I created a online pool (for nothing but bragging rights but thought it would be fun)

How to make a guess - go to

On the top left-hand corner of the page there is a space "Go to another game by entering the game name"

Here enter "babyMLA" and it will take you to our pool! Then go to "Enter a guess"

Friday was my last day in the office, which was a bit earlier that I had hoped to leave but sitting 8+ hours a day on my butt was tough and got to be a bit much. So I'm still going to be working as much as I can this coming week from home but will be SO GLAD to be able to kick my feet up, lounge in my PJ's and maybe even sneak in a nap if I can! I think Wednesday (maybe Thursday) will be my official last day and then it's 12 weeks OFF!!

Max is getting VERY excited for his brother to arrive and is asking questions non stop. This morning I think he may have said the most precious thing EVER...

He and I were having breakfast and he said "Is the baby having waffles for breakfast too Mommy?" (Asking obviously because that's what I was eating) I said "yes, everything that Mommy eats the baby eats as well" So long story short he later asked, "Mommy, can you eat me so I can go meet him?" PRECIOUS!!!!

Tomorrow we are hoping to go to the Sebago Lake Winterfest but Max has been sick for the past 48 hours with a fever and runny nose but seems to be on the mend. I hope he's better beecause being cooped up inside all day today was brutal but he needed it. If we go I will absolutely take some photos and post them. I just got a SNAZZY new camera for my birthday so I'm anxious to try it out.

Here's a cute photo of Max and his cousins at Grandma and Papa's house this week:

So other than waiting not much is new with us. The room as mentioned in previous posts is done, we're just waiting on the carpet, which will be installed this Wednesday. It will be then that I finally put some photos up of the room. I haven't yet because we have been using that room as a "project room" until the rug comes in so it's a disaster but not for long!!

I'll be sure to update this more now that I'll be home and will have a little more time - so keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another Ultrasound

First - Happy Valentines Day!

Yesterday I had another Ultrasound to monitor the size of the baby. He's estimated to be about 8lbs. 7oz at this point. As of yesterday I was 37 weeks and 3 days however I am measuring at 40 weeks 2 days. (but that's on average for someone who has a 7 1/2 pound baby...lord knows that's not me!) So at this point I'm not quite sure what they have planned for me. Yesterday was strictly the Ultrasound and tomorrow is my weekly appointment, which I won't be seeing my regular Doctor I'll be seeing the nurse practioner so I doubt she'll be able to make any executive decisions as to what the next step may be, that is if there is a step other than lettting him come on his own. So we may not have answers until sometime next week. Which is actually fine with me. I'd like to wait a least another week for a few reasons.

1.) I don't want him to share a birthday with me (2/19). What kid wants to share a birthday with his mom, you know?
2.) Ray's traveling to Webster, MA on Tuesday for work so certainly don't want to go into labor then!
3.) The rug for the baby's room isn't scheduled to be installed until the week of the 25th so we very well could have a baby before his room is ready!

Here are a few photos (4-D) from the Ultrasound yesterday...if you can't figure it out it's a close up of his face and his hand is in his mouth. Pretty cool!!

So that's the update for now...we'll be sure to keep this updated in the coming days/weeks!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chop, chop...bye-bye hair!

Today was the day...8 LONG inches off my hair! I knew it would be short but I didn't think this short. Oh grows, and it was for people that have no hair so who am I to complain, right?



20 days and counting until my due date...the baby's room is still coming along. It's got stuff all in it and isn't looking that organized but I will posted some photos, maybe later tonight. Ray's working on it now, putting up the doors. I go in for an ultrasound on Wednesday which will tell me a bit more as to whether or not I will be induced and so on...who knows, I'm just ready for this to be over! At least we're down to days though!!

Max and Ray went sledding while I was at my haircut. Here are a few photos...

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Waiting game...

So here's the scoop from my Doctors visit this afternoon...

I will go in on February 13th for another ultrasound to make sure there isn't a huge increase to his weight from this past ultrasound. If there is, then we'll have to discuss the next steps. If there isn't, we're going to wait it out and he'll let us all know when he's ready. However, she did indicate that she will not let me go beyond 40 weeks. So only time will tell I suppose. Ray's still convinced we are going to have a Leap Year baby on 2/29. That would be cool!!

We'll keep you posted if anything should change!